Conductivity Meters

Bante950 Benchtop Conductivity/TDS/Salinity Meter

Professional benchtop conductivity meter, 1 to 5 points calibration, setup menu contains 11 options, the meter is suitable for measuring conductivity, TDS, salinity and resistivity, accuracy: 0.5% F.S.

• Professional benchtop conductivity meter is equipped with a large backlit LCD display.
• 1 to 5 points calibration with automatic recognition for conductivity standards.
• Selectable cell constant (K=0.1/1/10), reference temperature (20/25°C), TDS factor, linear and
  pure water compensations, seawater and practical salinity measurement modes.

Benchtop Conductivity TDS Salinity Meter

• Automatic temperature compensation corrects conductivity measurements to the reference
• Auto-read function senses and locks the measurement endpoint.
• Calibration due alarm reminds user to calibrate the meter regularly.
• Calibration log shows the calibration points and factors.

Benchtop Conductivity TDS Salinity Meter

• Setup menu allows setting the number of calibration points, stability criteria, temperature unit,
  date and time, auto-power off, etc.
• Reset function automatically restores all settings to the factory defaults.
• Expanded memory stores or recalls up to 500 data sets.
• USB communication interface enables easy data transfer and timed interval readings.





0 to 20.00, 200.0, 2000 µS/cm, 20.00, 200.0 mS/cm


0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, automatic


±0.5% F.S.


1 to 5 points

   Calibration Solutions

10 µS / 84 µS / 1413 µS / 12.88 mS / 111.8 mS



0 to 10.00, 100.0, 1000 ppm, 10.00, 200.0 ppt


0.01, 0.1, 1, automatic


±1% F.S.

   TDS Conversion Factor

0.1 to 1.0 (default 0.5)



0.00 to 80.00 ppt / 0.00 to 42.00 psu




±1% F.S.



0.00 to 20.00 MΩ




±1% F.S.



0 to 105°C / 32 to 221°F




±0.5°C / ±0.9°F


1 point

   Calibration Range

Reading ±10°C/°F

   Other Specifications

   Temperature Compensation

0 to 100°C / 32 to 212°F, manual or automatic

   Temperature Coefficient

0.0 to 10.0%/°C

   Pure Water Compensation


   Reference Temperature

20 / 25°C

   Cell Constant  

K=0.1 / 1 / 10 / Custom

   Hold Function

Manual / Auto-read measurement endpoint

   Stability Criteria

Low / High

   Calibration Due Alarm

1 to 31 days or off


Stores up to 500 data sets


USB communication interface


6-pin mini-DIN, 3.5 mm jack socket


Custom LCD (125 × 100 mm)

   Power Supply

5V DC power adapter

   Environmental Conditions

0 to 50°C / 32 to 122°F, relative humidity < 80%


210 × 188 × 60 mm


1.5 kg

   Ordering Code

Meter Includes


CON-1 conductivity electrode

TP-10K temperature probe

Conductivity standard solutions 84 µS/cm, 1413 µS/cm, 12.88 mS/cm

USB cable

5V DC power adapter


CON-0.1 conductivity electrode

CON-1 conductivity electrode

TP-10K temperature probe

Conductivity standard solutions 84 µS/cm, 1413 µS/cm, 12.88 mS/cm

USB cable

5V DC power adapter


CON-1 conductivity electrode

CON-10 conductivity electrode

TP-10K temperature probe

Conductivity standard solutions 1413 µS/cm, 12.88 mS/cm, 111.8 mS/cm

USB cable

5V DC power adapter

Items Description
CON-0.1 Conductivity Electrode For measuring the pure water
CON-1 Conductivity Electrode For measuring the general water samples
CON-10 Conductivity Electrode For measuring the high conductivity samples
TP-10K Temperature Probe For temperature compensation and measurement
Conductivity Flow Cell For measuring the pure water below 10 µS/cm
Conductivity Standard Solution For conductivity calibration

   Ordering Code

Dimensions and Weights


30 × 25 × 20 cm, 1.7 kg  


30 × 25 × 20 cm, 1.7 kg  


30 × 25 × 20 cm, 1.7 kg