Multiparameter Meters

Bante900P Portable Multiparameter Water Quality Meter

High-performance multiparameter water quality meter contains 8 measurement modes, suitable for measuring pH, ORP, ion concentration, conductivity, TDS, salinity, resistivity and dissolved oxygen.

pH Mode:
• Portable multiparameter water quality meter is equipped with a backlit LCD display.
• 1 to 5 points calibration with automatic recognition for USA, NIST and DIN buffers.
• Automatic electrode diagnosis shows the pH slope and zero offset.

ORP Mode:
• 1 point offset calibration allows adjusting the displayed value to a known standard.
• Relative and absolute millivolt modes ensure the reliable ORP measurements.

Portable Multiparameter Water Quality Meter

Ion Concentration Mode:
• 2 to 5 points calibration, including the selection of 8 concentration points.
• Automatic electrode diagnosis shows the calibration points and slopes.
• Direct ion concentration readout simplifies the measurement process.
• Selectable concentration units (ppm, mg/L, mol/L) and ionic valency.

Conductivity/TDS/Salinity/Resistivity Modes:
• 1 to 5 points calibration with automatic recognition for conductivity standards.
• Selectable cell constant (K=0.1/1/10), reference temperature (20/25°C), TDS factor, linear and
  pure water compensations, seawater and practical salinity measurement modes.

Dissolved Oxygen Mode:
• 1 or 2 points calibration using the air-saturated water or zero oxygen solution.
• Salinity and barometric pressure compensations eliminate measurement errors.

Portable Multiparameter Water Quality Meter

Other Features:
• Automatic temperature compensation ensures accurate readings over the entire range.
• Auto-read function senses and locks the measurement endpoint.
• Calibration due alarm reminds user to calibrate the meter regularly.
• Auto-power off effectively conserves battery life.
• Setup menu allows setting the number of calibration points, stability criteria, temperature unit,
  date and time, etc.
• Reset function automatically restores all settings to the factory defaults.
• Expanded memory stores or recalls up to 500 data sets.
• USB communication interface enables easy data transfer to a PC.
• Multi-mode power scheme (batteries, power adapter, USB port) ensures the smooth operation
  of the meter.





-2.000 to 20.000 pH


0.001 / 0.01 / 0.1 pH, selectable


±0.002 pH


1 to 5 points

   pH Buffer Options

USA / NIST / DIN / 2 custom buffers



-1999.9 to 1999.9 mV


0.1 / 1 mV, selectable


±0.2 mV


1 point

   Measurement Modes

Relative / Absolute mV

   Ion Concentration


0.00 to 19999 (depending on the range of ISE)


0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, automatic


±0.5% F.S. (monovalent), ±1% F.S. (divalent)


2 to 5 points

   Calibration Solutions

0.001 / 0.01 / 0.1 / 1 / 10 / 100 / 1000 / 10000

   Measurement Units

ppm, mg/L, mol/L, mmol/L



0 to 20.00, 200.0, 2000 µS/cm, 20.00, 200.0 mS/cm


0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, automatic


±0.5% F.S.


1 to 5 points

   Calibration Solutions

10 µS / 84 µS / 1413 µS / 12.88 mS / 111.8 mS

   Temperature Coefficient

0.0 to 10.0%/°C

   Pure Water Compensation


   Reference Temperature

20 / 25°C

   Cell Constant  

K=0.1 / 1 / 10 / Custom



0 to 10.00, 100.0, 1000 ppm, 10.00, 200.0 ppt


0.01, 0.1, 1, automatic


±1% F.S.

   TDS Conversion Factor

0.1 to 1.0 (default 0.5)



0.00 to 80.00 ppt / 0.00 to 42.00 psu




±1% F.S.



0.00 to 20.00 MΩ




±1% F.S.

   Dissolved Oxygen


0.00 to 20.00 mg/L / 0.0 to 200.0 % saturation


0.01 / 0.1, selectable


±0.2 mg/L / ±2.0 %


1 or 2 points

   Pressure Correction

60.0 to 112.5 kPa / 450 to 850 mmHg, manual

   Salinity Correction

0.0 to 50.0 g/L, manual



0 to 105°C / 32 to 221°F




±0.5°C / ±0.9°F


1 point

   Calibration Range

Reading ±10°C/°F

   Other Specifications

   Temperature Compensation

0 to 100°C / 32 to 212°F, manual or automatic

   Hold Function

Manual / Auto-read measurement endpoint

   Stability Criteria

Low / High

   Calibration Due Alarm

1 to 31 days or off

   Auto-Power Off

10 / 20 / 30 minutes after last key pressed


Stores up to 500 data sets


USB communication interface


BNC, 6-pin mini-DIN, 3.5 mm jack socket


Custom LCD (80 × 60 mm)

   Power Supply

3 × 1.5V AA batteries or 5V DC power adapter

   Battery Life

Approximately 150 hours without backlight

   Environmental Conditions

0 to 50°C / 32 to 122°F, relative humidity < 80%


170 × 85 × 30 mm


300 g

   Ordering Code

Meter Includes


E201-BNC pH electrode

CON-1 conductivity electrode

DO100 dissolved oxygen electrode

TP-10K temperature probe

pH 4.01, 7.00, 10.01 buffer reagents

Conductivity standard solutions 84 µS/cm, 1413 µS/cm, 12.88 mS/cm

DO electrolyte solution

DO membrane cap

Electrode clip

Carrying case



P11 glass pH electrode

K10 conductivity electrode

DO100 dissolved oxygen electrode

TP-10K temperature probe

pH 4.01, 7.00, 10.01 buffer reagents

Conductivity standard solutions 84 µS/cm, 1413 µS/cm, 12.88 mS/cm

DO electrolyte solution

DO membrane cap

Electrode clip

Carrying case

Items Description
E201-BNC pH Electrode For measuring the liquids
E202-BNC pH Electrode For measuring the semisolid and gel samples
P11 pH Electrode For measuring the weak corrosive samples
P11-LiCl pH Electrode For measuring the non-aqueous samples
P11-HA pH Electrode For measuring the high alkalinity samples
P11-NA pH Electrode For measuring the biofuels
P13 pH Electrode For measuring the micro-volume samples
P15 pH Electrode For measuring the low conductivity samples
P16 pH Electrode For measuring the Tris buffers
P19 pH Electrode For measuring the semisolid samples
P22 pH Electrode For measuring the high temperature samples
501 ORP Electrode For measuring samples with weak redox potential
502 ORP Electrode For measuring samples with strong redox potential
ISE-NH3 Ammonia Electrode Range: 0.01 to 17000 ppm
ISE-NH4 Ammonium Electrode Range: 0.1​ to 18000 ppm
ISE-Br Bromide Electrode Range: 0.4 to 81000 ppm
ISE-Cd Cadmium Electrode Range: 0.1 to 11200 ppm
ISE-Ca Calcium Electrode Range: 0.02 to 40100 ppm
ISE-Cl Chloride Electrode Range: 1 to 35000 ppm
ISE-Cu Copper Electrode Range: 0.06 to 6400 ppm
ISE-CN Cyanide Electrode Range: 0.03 to 260 ppm
ISE-F Fluoride Electrode Range: 0.02 to 1900 ppm
ISE-I Iodide Electrode Range: 0.06 to 127000 ppm
ISE-Pb Lead Electrode Range: 0.2 to 20800 ppm
ISE-NO3 Nitrate Electrode Range: 0.4 to 62000 ppm
ISE-K Potassium Electrode Range: 0.04 to 39000 ppm
ISE-Ag Silver Electrode Range: 0.01 to 107900 ppm
ISE-Na Sodium Electrode Range: 0.002 to 69000 ppm
ISE-S Sulfide Electrode Range: 0.003 to 32000 ppm
CON-0.1 Conductivity Electrode For measuring the pure water
CON-1 Conductivity Electrode For measuring the general water samples
CON-10 Conductivity Electrode For measuring the high conductivity samples
DO100 Dissolved Oxygen Electrode For measuring the DO and % saturation of oxygen
TP-10K Temperature Probe For temperature compensation and measurement
pH Buffer Solution For pH calibration
pH Electrode Storage Solution For electrode maintenance and storage
pH Electrode Cleaning Solution For electrode cleaning and reactivating
Ion Standard Solution For ion concentration calibration
Ionic Strength Adjuster For adjusting the pH and background ionic strength
Conductivity Standard Solution For conductivity calibration
DO Electrolyte Solution For filling the dissolved oxygen electrode
DO Membrane Cap For polarographic dissolved oxygen electrode
USB Cable For transferring data or connecting power adapter
5V DC Power Adapter For connecting external power source

   Ordering Code

Dimensions and Weights


45 × 32 × 10 cm, 2 kg


45 × 32 × 10 cm, 2 kg